
Add pleasure inside

Delight consumers with the world's best-loved bakery fillings and fillings for cake. Explore this website to discover great tasting, high-performance fillings. There are delicious fruit fillings, as well as popular chocolate, nut and cream fillings to suit your applications and processes. You will also find ideas, innovations and practical ways to add value to your business.

Excite with new concepts

Be a pioneer in your market with interesting and on-trend pastry fillings and fillings for cake that match your ambitions.



Silky-smooth cream fillings popular with bakeries and patisseries include vanilla, chocolate, caramel, dulce de leche, nuts, speculoos, lemon cream and cream cheese. Each filling delivers a beautifully creamy sensation.



Fruit fillings bring nature's rainbow of colours and flavours. Instead of cultivated berries, Puratos chooses wild berries, which give you a richer and fuller flavour. Discover Nordic berries like lingonberries, which are high in antioxidants and sometimes called 'super fruits.

Chocolate & Nuts

Chocolate & Nuts

Great taste lies at the heart of every stage of chocolate filling development: from our careful selection of cocoa powders to the incorporation of real Belgian chocolate.



Centrul de Competență în Patiseria Industrială

IPCC îi ajută pe clienți punându-le la dispoziție toate facilitățile și instrumentele necesare pentru a-și dezvolta afacerea de patiserie.


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Centre de inovație

Oferim clienților noștri acces la echipamente de ultimă generație, expertiză și instruire în domeniu.


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